Food Magazine Cover

I had to develop and produce a food magazine cover to finish my client based project on food photography. In order to do this, I had to choose and edit one of my food photography photos on Photoshop.


I decided to choose the focused composition portrait of the three scones on a platter.

Editing Process

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  • Starting the editing process by importing the photo’s file into Photoshop.

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  • Cropped the image down on both sides by using the crop tool. This would help draw a more focused attention to the scones.

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I wanted make the cover’s image looks more presentable with brighter lighting and colour effects.

  • I slightly adjusted the brightness and saturation to the image to create a brighter lighting effect.
  • Next I used the soft brush tool to add in light shade of white to create the light source effect on the scones.
  • I also used the soft brush tool to add in a gentle lighting effect at the top of the image.

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  • Adjusting the vibrance to help create a more colourful look to the image. It also adds a more golden, appetising look to the scones.


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Once I was happy with edited image, I wanted to add in my own titled text to the illustration’s cover.

  • I used the “Text Tool” to add in the cover’s title text.
  • I chose to use Savoye LET font for my magazine cover’s text.
  • Added in more sub text mentioning the new recipes included within the magazine.
  • I also wanted to add in the Issue number and date to the magazine’s cover.


Finished Cover

Food Magazine Cover

My Thoughts On This

What I Was Happy With

This was the final outcome to the food cover magazine illustration. I was mostly pleased of how presented the photo image in the centre of the magazine, from its use of lighting and colour gradients. I also thought that texted font matches the cover’s theme well too.

What Could Be Improved

I could have used more types of font for the text. An extra image along with text could have made the magazine cover more exciting. The background also could have been edited more with brighter lighting effects.

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