Live Action Mobile Road Safety Video

After our group had finished planning and filming, we then had to produce and edit our own short live action film based off my Road Safety animatic video. I did this process using Adobe Premier Pro.

Editing Process

  • I reviewed each of the filmed clips to see which one was good enough to match the animatic’s scenes.
  • Each of my selected clips were then imported in to Premier Pro.


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Intro clip showing a car moving forward.

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Mobile ringing clip. We also recorded the phone’s ring tone which were eventually used effectively in these clips for the final video.

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The driver is looking at her phone and then proceeds to pick it up.

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The driver witnesses the caller on her phone, but she see’s it as friend calling rather than the skull image on her screen. This skull was only meant to let the audience know that the fictional driver was in danger.

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The ending clip showing the films slogan text “Don’t Get Distracted”


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I used Premier Pro’s timeline feature to help me edit the imported video clips, mp3 sound FX and also text images. For example, creating a new layer to add in car interior sounds that match along with the clip.

Skull Illustration 


This was my skull illustration design that was used for the phone screen’s scenes. This illustration was all completely designed by me.

Music Track

I wanted to use this track for the ending section of my video to help give a serious tone to match the mood of the slogan’s text. I chose not to use my jingles from my sound sessions because I thought that it would not fit in well with the tone of my video.

Final Video

This is my finished version of my live action video. I thought I did well by editing the clips and sound FX together. I also thought that it manages to get message across to it’s targeted audience in a simple, yet effective manner. I do think that video’s lighting could be brighter in most scenes, but it does help set the mood and tone for its story. I also felt that the driver actress didn’t feel all that invested in her role during certain scenes too. Overall, I still think I did a good enough job on producing a decent Road Safety video.

Sound FX Process/Analysis and Evaluation

  • Throughout this project, we had to develop some of our own sound FXs for the Road Safety video. We recorded some ambient and mobile ring tones sounds using visual and audio equipment.
  • The outdoor ambient sounds of rain were captured using Canon HD AX10 while we were filming.
  • We captured the mobile phone’s ring tone by using a Blue Yeti stereo mic.
  • Once we filmed and recorded the sounds needed for the video, we then imported each of them into a mp3 file format by using Audacity.

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  • I then used the mp3 sound files by importing them into Adobe Premier Pro CC for the editing process.
  • I made sure that the sound FXs were trimmed and edited correctly by matching it along with the suitable actions to the scenes. For example, the ring tone mp3 sounds were used for the mobile footage scenes.

In conclusion, I thought the recorded and edited sound FX’s served it’s purpose well for my live action Road Safety video. They each effectively set a serious tone to each action happening within each scene to the story. They also help add more tension and build up throughout the video, creating a more immersive and impactful feeling for its audience. If I was to do this project again, I would have worked on recording and producing more primary outdoor and vehicle sounds using various sound equipment with my group. This could have added more sense of realism and depth to my final Road Safety video.


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