Feedback On My HTML Image

For this group experiment, I had to choose one of my interactive html images and gather some critical feedback about it from other students in my class.

Since I lost my original final HTML images linking up to Dog charity sites, I instead used the squirrel images as my final HTML infographic. These two HTML infographics will be critically reviewed from some of the other students.

Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 3.11.45 PM


Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 3.19.10 PM



Image 1

  • Squirrel Image 1 is visually appealing because of it’s contrasting colours in the background.
  •  Font could have been done in a different dark colour tone.

Image 2

  • Speech bubbles have a nice use in colour gradients and shading, which blends in well with the background.
  • The speech bubbles could have a shade of green which is reflecting from the second image’s ground.


Images 1 and 2

  • I think it looks pretty good. I like how the webpages are presented with the colour gradients.
  • I also like how the second image’s tabs link up to different pages to your chosen charity website.
  • The second html image could include more link features that would lead to another website.


Image 1

  • I like the colours to this image. The dark background helps the squirrel and speech bubble stand out more.

Image 2

  • Clean layout, straight forward and easy to read.
  • The tabs are functional and they link up to match the charity site’s categories nicely.
  • The tabs could have been positioned on the top part of the page. It also could have another image including more squirrels.



Images 1 and 2

  • I think the html pages look really professional. The links work really well by sending you to the correct categories to the chosen charity site.
  • The yellow coloured tabs blend in really well with the second squirrel image too.
  • The speech bubble seems out of place to the first squirrel image because of the colour you have chosen for it.

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