Road Safety Poster: Research and Fonts

  • Grid – Unseen lines that align pieces on the image.
  • Direction/Leading the eye – Using elements on the image that lead the eye to the target such as the slogan or an important image.
  • Movement,Timing – For use in videos and posters, Motion blurs, movement lines etc.
  • Shape – How are certain shapes used to represent things, or used to convey a message.
  • Symbolism – Think of representation by use of certain colours, shapes, words and techniques.
  • Typography – Effectiveness of fonts used in graphics. Why were those fonts, sizes and words chosen? What connotations does those things represent?
  • Hierarchy – Giving certain things priority over other things. working out what takes importance over other things because this is important.
  • Balance ”Weight” – Linked to symmetry but not prefect. Balance is more conceptually interesting.
  • Composition – They way everything is put together and how it works.
  • Randomness – Breaking these rules.
  • Line – The way lines have been used and what message/s they are conveying, is it movement, emphasis and other feelings.
  • Colour – Emotion, and the way those colours are used to make the piece work or not work. This about the choices the artist made and why by using certain colours
  • Negative Space – How has the designer used negative space in their designs (this of the FedEx logo)
  • Scale – Has scale is used to emphasise something?
  • Repetition-Pattern – How are these things used? Did they repeat something to do with the colour or the slogan or something else.
  • Convention – Different fonts being used of different things. This is breaking the convention, as people don’t expect things to be different or changed
  • Symmetry – Is the reference symmetrical? or is it not? what effect does this have on how you see the image?
  • Texture
  • Contrast – Using the colour wheel in your description, are the colours, sizes and other factors contrasting?
  • Breaking the Rules


amorganedcm1, V. (2018). Planning and Research Help. [online] Alice Morgan EDCM1. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2018].



  • Serif: New Times Roman
  • Sans-Serif: Arial
  • Script: Brush Script
  • Slab Serif: Couries

Homework- Graphics Typography


Many varied sketch examples of Road Safety thumbnails about seat-belts and also the dangers of using a mobile phone on the roads. These thumbnail sketches are based off my mind map ideas.

I have to choose a few examples from these sketches and draw each of them out again in better detail.

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