Food Photography Planning

We all had to write down notes about how we will develop and produce our food photo portraits for this term’s project. The research work will benefit as an example of how our work should look as an end result.

Sketchbook Plans

Plan 1

Homework- Food Photography Plans.png

  • The top sketch shows the equipment we will be using for this project.
  • It isĀ ImportantĀ to not plug in this camera set-up to the mains.
  • The bottom sketch shows one example of how we could present our food photo portraits.
  • The bullet-points shows how we could experiment the camera’s settings and how to present the composition of our photos.

Set-up Plan

Homework- Food Photography Set-up Plans.png

This example sketch and bullet-points shows how our group will set up the media room’s equipment and set pieces.

Plan 2: Food

Homework- Food Photography Plans 2

These food choices will be the subject matter of my groups food portrait project.


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