Video: Premier Pro and Storyboard Plans

For this term’s project, we had to come up with storyboard plans and ideas for our road safety video project for our client.

Experimenting in Premier Pro

We had to prove our video teacher that we understood how to use the basic controls and features work on Premier Pro.

  • We had to pick a stylish trailer and download the clip off ””.
  • Import the clip into Premier Pro.
  • Edited the speed of the clip to 50%
  • Then I had to re-watch the clip and place in a text matching each media technique on a separate timeline.
  • Lighting
  • Medium/Close up/ Wide shot.
  • Camera movement.
  • SFX.
  • Ariel/Low angle.
  • Once I had done editing the video, I then had to cut out the rest of the clip that wasn’t needed.
  • Exported the file to media player.

Storyboard Reviews

We all had to write the negative and positive points to each students storyboard about their own road safety video.


These are my own opinions to each of the other students storyboard work.

My Storyboard Idea

I had to come up with my own storyboard idea about the dangers of using a mobile phone while driving.

Homework- Road Safety Storyboard

Storyboard Points

  1. Casually driving.
  2. Mobile phone ringing.
  3. Phone vibrating.
  4. Picks up phone. Skull and the phone icon.
  5. Skid and  crashing background sounds.


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