Video Evaluation

  • For my video project brief, I had to think and plan out my ideas for an opening title sequence. Then I had to develop my idea into a digitally edited video by using Adobe Premier Pro.
  • I had to do research on title ident examples to help give me some ideas for my own opening title sequence video.
  • I thought I mostly got on well with the development of my video project. I did feel a bit lost at times using Adobe Premier Pro, but my teacher did help make me understand more about the software program itself. I also managed to finish the video project before the end of this term.
  • I thought the final results to my opening title sequence turned out really well. While I didn’t exactly follow the original plan, but I thought these minor changes I made were necessary to the video itself.
  • The only changes that I could think of for this project brief is that I would have edited a fade in and out effect to my title sequence video.


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