Title Theme Idents

BBC 2: Simpsons Ident 

This short clip presents BBC2’s logo in a comical ‘Simpsons’ theme being voiced over by Zoe Ball. It shares the similar opening as the ‘The Simpsons’ except when the clouds part ways, it eventually shows the yellow coloured and bumpy 2 instead. As the 2 gets closer, it eventually crashes into the screen causing it to crack. This was done in a comical and forth wall breaking fashion.

Adult Swim: Rick and Morty Ident

This clip shows ‘Rick and Morty’ parodying the film ‘Ghostbusters’ in a stop motion animation style. It starts off with Morty looking around the hallway until he notices something off-screen. The clip eventually show ‘Rick’ comically mocking the looks as the iconic ‘Ghostbusters’ character ‘Slimer’. As soon as Slimer Rick aggressively floats towards Morty, he splats into him off-screen. The clip ends in a humorous fashion with the wall being covered with slime which forms up the Adult Swim logo.

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