Title Text Video: Opening Sequence

I had to produce my own opening sequence video in Adobe Premier throughout this session.

Smoke Title FX Process

  • I select the video that I wanted to use for my video project, as long it shows examples of smoke effects.
  • I converted the video of my choice on a website called ‘convert2mps.net.’
  • Then I opened up the converted clip in ‘Adobe Premier’.
  • Edited the clip to less than 20 seconds by using the ‘Razor Tool’.
  • Cut out the ‘SFX’ with the ‘Razor Tool’.
  •  Created the title’s text by clicking ‘File’, ‘New’ and then ‘Title’.
  • I then edited the title by clicking ‘Overlay’ for it to only show up in the smoke.

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An image showing the editing process of my opening title sequence.

Green Screen FX

I had to research another example video that uses green screen effects along with a moving image. I wanted to edit out the green screen FX in the background only leaving the moving image of a dragon.


  • Select effects under the ‘Edit’ tab.
  • Click ‘Video Effects’.
  • Keying.
  • Ultra Key.
  • Drag it to the green screen video.
  • Select the same colour with the Pen Dropper.
  • Once it’s the same colour as the green screen, click it on the video to get rid of it.
  • This should leave the image within the video.

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Image showing the dragon image without the green screen effects.

Title Sequence Ideas

I had to come up with 4 ideas for my opening title sequences. These were the ideas that I came up with and drew out in my sketchbook.

Homework- Title Sequence Ideas

Image shows my 4 ideas for the express yourself project.

My Finished Opening Sequence

Here is my finished results of my open title sequence. I thought that the smoke effects were done really well because of the way it slowly reveals the title text in the centre of the video. The dragon in the centre was nicely done with its composition.

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